Condition Traffic Status Icon
Traffic events are in the
area, but none are on route.
Traffic events are on route.
Locations and Information of Traffic
The system may take some time to sort the information.
The list of traffic conditions display in the order of
distance from the vehicle, up to approximately
75 mi (125 km). With a route planned, the system
defaults to list traffic events on your route. Without a
route planned, if travelling on a major interstate, the
system lists events immediately ahead on the interstate
first. Then all other traffic events follow. Not all traffic
conditions may be listed.
To view the traffic condition location and information on
the map:
1. Press the NAV key, then press the NAV key
repeatedly until Traffic is selected, or touch the
Traffic screen button. A list of traffic conditions
with distance from the vehicle's current position
An arrow may appear before the distance.
The arrow indicates the distance is a straight line
distance and it shows the direction of the event