Traffic flow data arrows display on the map when scaled
up to eight miles.
Closed Road, Traffic Delays, Incidents, and
Advisories — These four touch screen buttons are
used to select the traffic event ICONS that appear
on the map screens.
Alert for Approaching Traffic Events: When On, if an
approaching traffic event is within the alert range, one of
two traffic alert pop-up screens display:
With no route planned, while on expressways,
Approaching Traffic Event without Avoid screen
With route planned, Traffic Event on Route screen
If the Alert for Approaching Traffic Events is Off, the
alert pop-up screen does not display.
Select the On Route touch screen button to display all
events ahead on the current active route. If no traffic
events have been reported on route, No Traffic Events
Reported On route displays.
Select the Name touch screen button to display traffic
events in the order of distance. The closest event is
shown first.
Select the Refresh touch screen button to update the
screen with all of the latest traffic events, miles, etc.
Traffic events update approximately every two minutes.
To update the events immediately, press the Refresh
touch screen button.