Oil Change
Remove the drive chain protector.
1. Drive chain protector
Clean fill and drain plug areas.
Remove gearbox fill plug.
Place a drain pan under the gearbox
1. Gearbox drain plug
2. Gearbox fill plug
NOTE: To completely drain the gear-
box, place a jack under the left footpeg
and tilt the vehicle toward the right
When the gearbox is empty, install
and torque the drain plug at 9 N•m
(80 lbf•in) and replace the vehicle on
the ground.
Refill gearbox, using 800 mL (27 U.S.
oz.) of XP-S chaincase oil (P/N 413 801
900) or an equivalent.
NOTE: Gearbox oil quantity is also
written on the gearbox cover.
CAUTION: Do not use other unrec-
ommended types of oil when ser-
vicing. Do not mix with other types
of oil.
Reinstall and torque oil fill plug to
39 N•m (29 lbf•ft).