How the Positive Ion Control System Works
The PIC system uses an internal circuit that passes
the voltage through the drive train of the Magnum to the
shaft. The shaft contacts the cable by means of a ball
bearing, spring and, lastly, a one direction button head
screw. Care must be taken to ensure contact between
the cable and the screw when replacing the cable.
When using coated cable, 3-4 ft of coating must be
striped when terminating the cable to reel. Take care in
ensuring that the striped portion is in contact with the
button head screw.
The Positive Ion Control system applies a fixed 0.6
volts on the trolling cable at all times.
Measuring the Natural Electrolysis and PIC Voltage
on Your Boat
A voltmeter with a scale of zero to one volt will
measure the natural electrolysis. Place the ground lead
of the meter on the motor or the battery ground. Place
the positive lead on the stainless steel downrigger cable
while it is in the water. The downrigger must be
unplugged. The voltage you measure on the volt meter
is your boat's natural electrolysis voltage. Use the same
set up to measure the PIC voltage; just plug in the
Magnum and adjust the PIC voltage desired.
Using Positive Ion Control
Positive Ion Control is very effective when trolling.
The zone of attraction created at the downrigger wire
will attract the fish. It is best to use a short drop back
between the downrigger release and the lure. Drop
backs of 10 to 20 ft. are typical. A drop back of 50 to
100 ft. will entirely negate the effects of the PIC circuit.
Maintaining Your Downrigger
Periodically, lightly grease the thrust bearing and
bearing race found behind the clutch knob. Replace the
cable at least every two years.
There are no user serviceable parts internal to the
Magnum. Your warranty will be void if opened by
anyone other than an authorized or factory service
center. For repairs or servicing your downrigger re-
fer to the Warranty Information section of this book-
Positive Ion Control Theory