Product Overview
Introduction to Controlled Depth Fishing
Undoubtedly there are many fishermen familiar
with the methods and use of controlled depth fishing.
During the mid 1960's the state of Michigan intro-
duced Pacific salmon into the Great Lakes in an at-
tempt to revitalize its sport fishing industry. From this
successful transplant, new fishing techniques and
equipment were developed. One such method was
controlled depth fishing which enabled fishermen to
place a lure at a desired depth by utilizing downrig-
Because of the varying factors (water tempera-
ture, thermocline, weather, tides, time of day, or time
of year) it is necessary for successful fishing to main-
tain specific water depths that coincide with fish
movements and feeding patterns.
One essential feature of the downrigger is the depth
meter or gauge that indicates lure depth. This allows
the angler to control as well as return to specific
depths where fish have been caught.
Due to the success of controlled depth fishing,
downriggers are now being used throughout the
world to catch a wide variety of species in both fresh
and salt water. Whether fishing for blues off Rhode
Island, walleyes in Lake Erie, sailfish off the coast of
Florida, or stripers in Tennessee, the use of down-
riggers will make your fishing more successful and
more enjoyable.
Parts Description
1. Reel This is used to spool the cable, available in lengths ranging from 150 to 400 feet.
2. Boom This is used to extend the weight out from the body of the downrigger and has a pulley fixed
to its end. Boom lengths range from 24 to 53 inches. Boom is a fixed 24 inches on the
Magnum 5 ST model.
3. Swivel Head This relays the cable at the end of the boom to lower the weight.
4. Cable This connects to the weight. Cable material is 150 lb. test stainless steel cable.
5. Toggle Switch This controls the power to the downrigger, up and down.
6. Mounting Base This attaches to the boat, enabling you to place the downrigger where you choose.
7. Rod Holder This holds your fishing rods while trolling and may also be used for storing rods.
8. Boom Clamps These lock the boom sections together after the boom has been extended or retracted.
Magnum 10 STX TS