
128 Authorized Send Installation and Configuration Guide for imageRUNNER Machines
Portal Service Logo:
The Portal Service Logo provides a text box for entering the location of the
application logo you want, and provides a preview of the selected image.
The Banner area provides text boxes for specifying the background and foreground
colors, and entering the location of the banner you want.
The Screen area provides text boxes for specifying the background, foreground, and
border colors.
The Button area provides text boxes for specifying the background and foreground
colors for normal buttons. A normal button is any button except for the Sign In and
Sign Out buttons.
Special Button:
The Special Button area provides text boxes for specifying the background and
foreground colors for special buttons. The special buttons are the Sign In and Sign
Out buttons.
The default values for the Portal Service Logo and Banner Image screens are:
Item Value
Portal Service Logo
A blank image is used by default.
Banner Image
The default values for the Background Color, Foreground Color, Border Color,
Banner, Screen, Button, and Special Button screens are:
Default Color Banner Screen Button
Background Color
255, 255, 255 187, 187, 170 187, 187, 170 255, 255, 255
Foreground Color
0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0 0, 0, 0 250, 0, 30
Border Color
N/A 64, 64, 64 N/A N/A