We Finish What We Start
While most office copiers and printers are content to deliver simple stapling, Canon’s
imageRUNNER 5000 raises expectations by offering the most extensive level of document-
finishing in its class. The imageRUNNER 5000 offers a choice of two finishers, both designed
to enhance productivity and facilitate the delivery of the most professional-looking documents.
The imageRUNNER 5000 Stapler Stacker offers two
trays to handle statement- to ledger-sized output.
With a total output capacity of 2,000 sheets, the
Stapler Stacker can handle even the longest print
or copy runs. With the ability to staple in any corner
of the page, or place multiple staples in either margin,
the imageRUNNER 5000 finishes the job in style.
Need to create booklets? With the imageRUNNER 5000,
the creation of booklets from hard-copy or
electronic originals has never been easier. The
imageRUNNER 5000 Saddle Finisher offers three
trays, two dedicated for stapled output, with the
third dedicated to saddle-stitched booklets.
Offering a total output capacity of 2,300 sheets
(2,000 in top trays, 300 in saddle-stitch tray), the
Saddle Finisher offers the same capabilities as the
Stapler Stacker.
For even more finishing capabilities, Canon
offers an optional hole-punching unit for both
imageRUNNER 5000 Finishers. With the ability
to deliver both two- and three-hole-punched output,
the imageRUNNER 5000 is one of the few systems
capable of punching letter, legal, and 11" x 17"
paper sizes.