• The photos included in this manual are simulated pictures
taken with a still camera.
• Illustrations of the camcorder’s screen or a computer’s screen
included in this manual may show only relevant parts of the
• Navigation buttons: The navigation bar at the bottom of the
page offers up to four buttons to let you get quickly to the
information you want to find.
Jump to the general table of contents.
Go to a list of select functions grouped by their uses in
real-life situations. This alternative index can be very
useful for beginners who encounter a particular chal-
lenge but are not sure of what function to use.
Jump to the alphabetical index.
The button with a number in it will take you to the
beginning of the current chapter, where you will find an
overview of the information and related functions cov-
ered in that chapter. Note that the icon itself will
change depending on the chapter you are currently