Using the Full
Range of Features
Use this program in places where the
background is so bright that the subject appears
underexposed in the display — a sunny beach or
ski resort, for example. You may notice some
shudder when recording moving subjects.
Sand & Snow
This program is designed for recording spotlit
scenes, such as on a stage. The exposure is
automatically adjusted for glare-free recordings
of subjects lit by a concentrated light source.
Low Light
This program allows you to record in dimly lit
places. It is generally best used for close-ups of
slow or stationary subjects, as moving subjects
may leave a trailing after-image. However, you
can take advantage of this to create special
effects, by rapid zooming or by panning along
with a moving subject. Picture quality will not
be as good as in normal lighting conditions, and
autofocus may not work as well as usual.
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