
CF Cards and Estimated Capacities (Recordable Images)
The maximum movie clip length is approximately 30 sec. ( )* or 3 min. ( , ).The times shown are the maximum continuous recording times.
* When used with the FC-256MH CF card (sold separately).
(Large), (Medium1), (Medium2), (Small), , and indicate the recording resolution.
(Superfine), (Fine) and (Normal) indicate the compression setting.
The FC-256 MH CF card is not sold in some regions.
FC-16M FC-32M FC-64M FC-128M FC-256MH
(2048 x 1536 pixels)
8 18 38 76 154
16 33 68 137 276
32 67 136 274 548
(1600 x 1200 pixels)
14 30 61 122 246
26 54 109 219 440
52 108 217 435 868
(1024 x 768 pixels)
25 53 107 215 431
46 94 189 379 762
84 174 349 700 1390
(640 x 480 pixels)
58 120 241 482 962
94 196 393 788 1563
165 337 676 1355 2720
(640 x 480 pixels)
14 sec. 30 sec. 61 sec. 124 sec. 249 sec.
(320 x 240 pixels)
44 sec. 91 sec. 183 sec. 368 sec. 735 sec.
(160 x 120 pixels)
118 sec. 242 sec. 486 sec. 973 sec. 1954 sec.