Installing the Canon Advanced Printing Technology
For installation instructions using the CD-ROM menu, please refer to the Quick Start Guide.
■ Windows 98/Me Plug and Play
Windows 98/Me Plug and PlayWindows 98/Me Plug and Play
Windows 98/Me Plug and Play
Following is the installation procedure of plug and play for “Using USB Port” under Windows 98.
Before you install the software, make sure you do the following:
• Connect the machine to your computer ( Quick Start Guide).
• Turn on the machine ( Quick Start Guide).
• Start up Windows 98.
Windows 95/98/Me
Windows 95/98/MeWindows 95/98/Me
Windows 95/98/Me
USB Users
USB UsersUSB Users
USB Users
Using USB Port (USB Cable)
In order to use the printer via USB, the following requirements need to be satisfied.
• Your computer must be equipped with a USB port and it is necessary that its operation
is approved by the manufacturer.
1 Plug and Play is being carried out and the The Add New Hardware Wizard dialog box
appears. Click Next >.
•“Unknown” may be displayed as the name of the device.