cannot solve 1321
copying 1317
document 42
general 1320
multipage document 43
paper feeding 1313
printing 1318, 1319
receiving 1315 to 1317
receiving into memory when 810
sending 1313 to 1315
telephone 1318
PSTN setting 39, 144
PSWD POLL REJECT message 1311
PSWD TX REJECTED message 1311
Pulse dialling
setting for 38
switching temporarily to tone dialling 93
document 42
paper 52
R button 211
registering 39, 310
REC’D IN MEMORY message 810, 1312
Receive Mode button 211
Receiving. See also individual receive modes
cancelling 811
in memory when problem occurs 810
methods 82
polling. See Polling receiving
problems 1315 to 1317
remote, definition 87
restricting 919
while performing other tasks 810
Reception report. See RX (Reception) REPORT
REDIAL INTERVAL setting 711, 146
REDIAL TIMES setting 711, 146
Redial/Pause button 211, 79, 92
Redialling 79 to 711
Remote reception, definition 87
REMOTE RX ID setting 147
REMOTE RX setting 147
toner cartridge 126 to 128
Report button 211, 617, 113, 142
REPORT SETTINGS menu 143, 145
Reports. See also individual report names
summary 112
button 211, 72, 102
copying, setting 102
sending, setting 72
Rest, paper 22, 24, 210
reception 919, 920
use of FAX 916 to 918
RING COUNT setting 147
RING START TIME setting 85, 86
Roller, transfer charging 210
ROTARY PULSE setting 38, 144
RX, definition 12
RX (Reception) REPORT 115
description 112
sample 115
RX (Reception) SETTINGS menu 143, 147
RX CALL LEVEL setting 144
RX MODE setting 83, 84, 147
RX PAGE FOOTER setting 147
RX REDUCTION setting 148
RX REPORT. See also RX (Reception) REPORT
setting 145
RX RESTRICTION setting 919, 1410
RX SETTINGS menu. See RX (Reception) SETTINGS
RX START SPEED setting 1410
RX TO MEMORY setting 148
Safety instructions 14 to 16
Saving, toner consumption 58
SCAN CONTRAST setting 73, 144
Scanner components, cleaning 124, 125
contrast, copying 73
contrast, sending 73
document area 42
document for delayed sending into memory 714,
resolution, copying 102
resolution, sending 72
SELECT POL REJCT message 1312
Selector, paper delivery 210, 55
Sender information
definition 35
registering 35 to 37
sample 35