
3-15 Merging raster files with DocBuilder
NOTE: To merge documents, the page sizes of the source document and the
target document must be the same.
3. In the Thumbnail B window, left-click to select the page(s) and hold down
the mouse button as you drag the selected page(s) to the new location in
Thumbnail A.
Shift-click to select multiple, sequential pages; Ctrl-click to select multiple,
non-sequential pages.
To scroll through the pages in Thumbnail A and Thumbnail B, you can drag
the slider bar at the bottom of the screen, click in the empty area to the left or
right of the slider bar, or click on the arrows.
To replace page(s), drag Thumbnail B page(s) on top of page(s) in Thumbnail
A; to add page(s), drag the page(s) to a new position between pages, before
the first page, or after the last page in Thumbnail A.
Replace single page Replace multiple pages
Move single page Move multiple pages
between two pages between two pages
Move single page Move multiple pages
before first page before first page
Move single page Move multiple pages
after last page after last page