On-screen Manual
Various Printing Methods
> Stamp/Background Printing
Stamp/Background Printing
This feature is unavailable when the 64-bit printer driver is used.
The Stamp function allows you to print a stamp text or a bitmap over or behind document data. It also
allows you to print date, time and user name. The Background function allows you to print a light
illustration behind the document data.
The procedure for performing stamp/background printing is as follows:
Printing a Stamp
"CONFIDENTIAL," "IMPORTANT," and other stamps that are used often in companies are pre-registered.
Open the
printer driver setup window
Click Stamp/Background... on the Page Setup tab
The Stamp/Background dialog box opens.
Select a stamp
Check the Stamp check box, and select a desired stamp from the list.
The current settings are displayed in the Settings Preview on the left side of the Page Setup tab.
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