Sending FaxesChapter 7
Sending Faxes
Redialling When the Line is Busy
There are two methods of redialling:
Manual redialling
Automatic redialling
This section explains these two methods.
Manual Redialling
to dial the last number you dialled with the numeric buttons.
(This starts redialling regardless of whether automatic redialling is enabled.)
Cancelling Manual Redialling
To cancel manual redialling, press
Automatic Redialling
What is Automatic Redialling?
When you are sending a document using memory sending (
party’s line is busy, the FAX waits the specified time interval and then redials the
number automatically. This is called
Automatic redialling
You will know that the FAX is waiting to redial when
.) are displayed in the LCD.
The automatic redialling options allow you to customise the number of times the
FAX redials, as well as the time interval between redials. You can also disable
automatic redialling if you prefer the FAX not to do so.
If all automatic redialling attempts are unsuccessful, the FAX cancels the
transmission and prints an ERROR TX REPORT to notify you that the transmission
Cancelling Automatic Redialling
Automatic redialling cannot be cancelled with the
waiting to redial. You can either wait until the FAX begins redialling and then follow
the procedure below, or if you want to cancel while the FAX is waiting to redial, you
will have to delete the document from memory (
Follow this procedure to cancel automatic redialling when the FAX begins redialling:
Wait until the FAX begins redialling.