Machine Settings
6. RX RESTRICTION Sets whether to receive a fax by detecting the TSI
(Transmitting Subscriber Identification) signal, used to
identify the sending fax machine.
OFF All receptions are conducted.
ON Receives the fax only from the sending fax machine that
sends the TSI signal.
3. REPORT SETTINGS Sets the settings related to report functions.
1. TX REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of a transmission
PRINT ERROR ONLY Prints a report only when a transmission error occurs.
REPORT WITH TX IMAGE Enables/disables printing of the first page of the fax
under the report.
OFF No first page is printed.
ON Prints the first page.
OUTPUT YES Prints a report every time you send a document.
REPORT WITH TX IMAGE Enables/disables printing of the first page of the fax
under the report.
OFF No first page is printed.
ON Prints the first page.
OUTPUT NO No report is printed.
2. RX REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of a reception
OUTPUT NO No report is printed.
PRINT ERROR ONLY Prints a report only when a reception error occurs.
OUTPUT YES Prints a report every time you receive a document.
3. ACTIVITY REPORT Enables/disables automatic printing of a transaction
report after every 20 transactions.
OUTPUT YES Prints a report automatically after every 20 transactions.
Name Descriptions