Changing Resolution / Compression Settings
Still image resolution and compression settings and movie resolution
settings can be adjusted to suit your requirements. Resolution settings
get progressively higher ranging from the
(Small) and (Medium)
to the
(Large) settings. Use a high resolution setting to obtain the
best quality for printing, but select a lower one to print on small labels,
to send images by email or to fit more images on a CF card. Compres-
sion settings yield progressively higher image quality as one switches
from the
(Normal) and (Fine) settings to the (Superfine)
settings. Use the
(Superfine) setting to get higher quality images, or
(Normal) setting to get more images on a CF card. The (Fine)
setting provides sufficient quality for most purposes.
Still Image Resolution
(Large) 1600 x 1200 pixels
(Medium) 1024 x 768 pixels
(Small) 640 x 480 pixels
Movies Resolution
640 x 480 pixels
320 x 240 pixels
160 x 120 pixels
The following resolutions are available for movies.