
Youattemptedtoplaybeckanimagelargerthan4992×3328pixelsorwitha large
data size.
Youattempted to play beck an incompatible JPEG image.
Youattempted to play beck an imagewith corrupted data.
Youattempted to play beck a RAW image.
Youattemptedto playback animagethat was recordedina specialdatatype (proprietary
datatype usedby thecameraof another manufacturer,etc.)ora movieclip recordedby
Youattempted to magnify an image recorded in a different camera or datatype, an
image edited witha computer, or a movie.
Youattempted to rotate an image recorded in a different camera or data type, animage
edited with a computer, or a movie.
A sound memocannot beadded tothis image because the data type of the exis_ng
sound memoor audio is incorrect.
Youattempted to register an image recorded in adifferent camera or a movieas a start-
up image.
Youattemptedto apply a My Cobrs effect to a movie or an image recorded in a d_fferent
When transferring images to your computer using the Direct Transfer screen, you
attempted to selectan image with corrupted data or animage taken with another
camera.You may havealso attempted to select a moviewhen [Wallpaper] was selected
inthe Direct Transfer menu.