Optional Accessories
TL-H58 Tele-converter
This Tele-converter lens increases the focal length of the camcorder lens by
a factor of 1.5.
Protect Filter 58 mm, ND4L Filter 58 mm, ND8L Filter 58 mm
Neutral density and MC protector filters help you to control difficult lighting
VL-10Li II Battery Video Light
This video light enables you to record brightly in color even in dark places.
Remote Controller
When the ZR-2000 or ZR-1000 is connected to the camcorder’s REMOTE
terminal, it is possible to control functions such as the start and stop of
recording, the zoom and the focus functions while reviewing the picture on
an external monitor without touching the camcorder. This is particularly
useful while the camcorder is mounted on a tripod and you want to ensure
maximum stability of a shot.
This mark identifies genuine Canon video accessories. When you use Canon video equipment, we
recommend Canon-brand accessories or products bearing the same mark.