
3-40 Performing Setup from the Control Panel
CMYK Simulation Profile
SWOP-Coated (EFI)/DIC (EFI)/Euroscale (EFI)/None [SWOP-Coated (EFI)]
CMYK simulation allows color correction to simulate printed output on a commercial
press, so that the ColorPASS output can be used for proong. The SWOP-Coated
standard is used in the United States, DIC in Japan, and Euroscale in Europe. Custom
simulations are user dened and named. The simulations provided with the
ColorPASS have the designation EFI after their names.
If any custom simulations have been created and loaded on the ColorPASS with
ColorWise Pro Tools, they also appear in the list of simulations. A custom simulation
can be selected as the default simulation. See the Color Guide for more information
about custom simulations.
CMYK Simulation Method
Quick/Full [Full]
Quick simulation assumes that the copier toners match the printers inks, and all
changes affect only one color (C, M, Y, or K) at a time. Full simulation allows for more
exibility in matching toner to ink and all changes interact to maintain a better color
RGB Separation
Output/Simulation [Output]
This option denes how the ColorPASS processes RGB jobs. Select Output for RGB
jobs that you print to the nal output device. Select Simulation to simulate an output
device that is not the device to which you are printing.
Output Profile
Default profile
Specify the default output prole to use for printing. Additional proles can be created
and downloaded to the ColorPASS with ColorWise Pro Tools.