Logging On to the Web Interface 23
Logging On to the Web Interface
After the Web interface loads in your Web browser,
the first page that appears is the logon screen. On
this screen, you need to enter the administration user
name and password to gain access to the Web
The logon screen also displays the IP address that the
Switch is currently using.
Figure 7 Logon Dialog Box
To log on to the Web interface:
1 In User name, type admin.
2 Leave the Password field blank.
3 Click OK.
Navigating the Web Interface
The Web interface has been designed to enable you
to easily perform advanced configuration tasks and
view information about the Switch.
The menu is located on the left side of the Web
interface. When you click an item on the menu, the
related screen appears in the main part of the
interface. Some menu items will give you sub-menu
tabs to choose from.
Figure 8 Switch Screen Layout
Sub-Menu Tabs
System Information