much coffee you used and how
fine the coffee was ground.
5. Making Coffee
Please follow the steps described in
chapter 4.
5a. Using the GoldTone Filter
A size 4 GoldT
one filter comes with
the machine. It sits in the Filter Holder.
Attention: Coffee flows slower through
a GoldT
one Filter than through paper
filters. Please see the chart in chapter
5c for maximum coffee amounts.
5b. Using Filter Paper
Use size 4 paper only. Always fold the
bottom and side crimps over for a
oper fit (see Fig. 5). Do not use a
filter paper inside a GoldTone Filter!
5c. How Much Coffee?
A coffee scoop comes with your coffee
maker. We r
ecommend using one
level scoop of coffee per cup. If you
like your coffee extremely strong
never use more coffee than the
amounts indicated in the chart shown.
Using more coffee can result in an
overflow of ground coffee, above the
filter, blocking the drip stop function
and causing a mess on your counter.
5d. Turning the Coffee Maker On
Push the On/Off button (Fig. 2, L). The
ed light will illuminate, indicating that
the brewing process is starting.
Caution: Never push the Filter Release
Button during brewing (Fig. 1, B).
5e. Serving Coffee
Brewing time for a full pot of coffee
takes just about 9 minutes. When all
the water is passed thr
ough, the
coffee maker will keep the coffee hot
for two hours. Then it will shut off. If
you need to keep the coffee hot longer,
just push the On/Off button again.
5f. Pouring Coffee While Brewing
You can remove the carafe from the
platform during the br
ewing process
for approx. 20 seconds to pour a cup
before brewing is finished.
5g. Brewing Small Amounts of Coffee
When brewing small amounts of coffee
(3 to 5 cups) push the 3-5 cup button
first (Fig. 2, M). The gr
een indicator
light will go on. Then push the On/Off
button. The red indicator light will go
on. The brewing process will be
slowed down to allow the coffee to
reach its full aroma.
If you pushed the 3-5 cup button by
mistake, just push it again to turn off
this function.
5h. Making Multiple Carafes of
If you want to make another carafe of
coffee immediately after the first pot,
make sur
e the machine is off and
allow to cool down for three minutes
before refilling the water tank.
Important: Make sure the carafe is
empty befor
e brewing.
6. Automatic Brewing at a
e-Programmed Time
Set the programmed time at which
you wish to brew coffee as described
in chapter 2d.
Make sure that the programmed
time is correct (AM or PM).
Hint: If you want your coffee ready by
7:15 AM, set the pr
ogrammed time to
7:05, i.e. 10 minutes earlier. This way
you get the freshest and hottest
coffee possible.
Fill the water tank and filter holder
and place the empty carafe with the
closed lid on the platform (chapter 4).
Maximum #
of Scoops
Regular or Drip
Fine Grind (finer
than Drip Grind)
Size 4
Paper Filter