Preparation —
Before starting the chiller, check that the:
1. Power is on to the main starter, oil pump relay, tower fan
starter, oil heater relay, and the chiller control
2. Cooling tower water is at proper level, and at or below
design entering temperature.
3. Chiller is charged with refrigerant and all refrigerant and
oil valves are in their proper operating position.
4. Oil is at the proper level in the reservoir sight glasses.
5. Oil reservoir temperature is above 140 F (60 C) or re-
frigerant temperature plus 50° F (28° C).
6. Valves in the evaporator and condenser water circuits are
NOTE: If pumps are not automatic, make sure water is
circulating properly.
7. Solid-state starter checks: The Power +15 and the Phase
Correct LEDs must be lit before the starter will energize.
If the Power +15 LED is not on, incoming voltage is not
present or is incorrect. If the Phase Correct LED is not
lit, rotate any 2 incoming phases to correct the phasing.
Do not permit water or brine that is warmer than
110 F (43 C) to flow through the cooler or con-
denser. Refrigerant overpressure may dischargethrough
the relief devices and result in the loss of refrigerant
8. Press RELEASE to automate the chiller start/stop value
on the Status01 table to enable the chiller to start. The
initial factory setting of this value is overridden to stop in
order to prevent accidental start-up.
Manual Operation of the Guide Vanes — Manual
operation of the guide vanes is helpful to establish a steady
motor current for calibration of the motor amps value.
In order to manually operate the guide vanes, it is nec-
essary to override the TARGET GUIDE VANE POSITION
value which is accessed on the Status01 table. Manual con-
trol is indicated by the word ‘‘SUPVSR!’’ flashing after the
target value position. Manual control is also indicated on the
default screen on the run status line.
1. Access the Status01 table and look at the target guide vane
position (Fig. 16). If the compressor is off, the value will
read zero.
2. Move the highlight bar to the TARGET GUIDE VANE
POSITION line and press the SELECT
3. Press ENTER
to override the automatic target. The screen
will now read a value of zero, and the word
‘‘SUPVSR!’’ will flash.
4. Press the SELECT
softkey, and then press
softkey to release the vanes to AUTO-
MATIC mode. After a few seconds the ‘‘SUPVSR!’’will
Dry Run to Test Start-Up Sequence
1. Disengage the main motor disconnect on the starter front
panel. This should only disconnect the motor power. Power
to the controls, oil pump, and starter control circuit should
still be energized.
2. Look at the default screen on the LID: the Status mes-
sage in the upper left-hand corner will read, ‘‘Manually
Stopped.’’ Press CCN or Local to start. If the chiller
controls do not go into start mode, go to the Schedule
screen and override the schedule or change the oc-
cupied time. Press the LOCAL
softkey to begin the start-
up sequences.
3. Check that chilled water and condenser water pumps
4. Check that the oil pump starts and pressurizes the lubri-
cation system. After the oil pump has run about 11 sec-
onds, the starter will be energized and go through its start-up
5. Check the main contactor for proper operation.
6. The PIC will eventually show an alarm for motor amps
not sensed. Reset this alarm and continue with the initial
Check Rotation
1. Engage the main motor disconnect on the front of thestarter
panel. The motor is now ready for rotation check.
2. After the default screen Status message states ‘‘Ready
for Start’’press the LOCAL
softkey; start-up checks will
be made by the control.
3. When the starter is energized and the motor begins to turn.
Check for clockwise rotation (Fig. 32).
IF ROTATION IS PROPER, allow the compressor to come
up to speed.
(as viewed through the sight glass), reverse any 2 of the 3
incoming power leads to the starter and recheck rotation.
NOTE: Solid-state starters have phase protection and will
not allow a start if the phase is not correct. Instead, a Starter
Fault message will occur if this happens.
Do not check motor rotation during coastdown. Rota-
tion may have reversed during equalization of vessel
1. When the compressor is energized to start by the 1CR
relay, confirm that the Relay On LED is lit on the starter
SCR control board. The compressor motor should start to
turn immediately when this light comes on. If not, adjust
the start torque potentiometer in a clockwise direction.
Fig. 32 — Correct Motor Rotation