11. Cooler and Condenser Tubes:
Contact a local Carrier Representative for other
tube offerings.
12. Cooler and Condenser Passes:
Unit manufacturer shall provide the cooler and/
or condenser with 1, 2 or 3 pass configuration
on the water side.
13. Nozzle-In-Head, 300 psig (2068 kPa):
Unit manufacturer shall furnish nozzle-in-head
style waterboxes on the cooler and/or con-
denser rated at 300 psig (2068 kPa).
14. Marine Waterboxes:
Unit manufacturer shall furnish marine style
waterboxes on cooler and/or condenser rated
at 150 psig (1034 kPA).
15. Marine Waterboxes:
Unit manufacturer shall furnish marine style
waterboxes on cooler and/or condenser rated
at 300 psig (2068 kPA).
16. Flanged Water Nozzles:
Unit manufacturer shall furnish standard
flanged piping connections on the cooler and/
or condenser.
17. Hinges:
Unit manufacturer shall furnish hinges on
waterboxes to facilitate tube cleaning.
18. Optional Compressor Discharge Isolation Valve
and Liquid Line Ball Valve:
These items shall be factory-installed to allow
isolation of the refrigerant charge in the con-
denser for servicing the compressor.
19. Pumpout Unit:
A refrigerant pumpout system shall be installed
on the chiller. The pumpout system shall
include a hermetic compressor and drive, inter-
nal piping, internal wiring, and motor. Field-
supplied main power wiring and water piping
shall be required.
20. BACnet Communication Option:
Shall provide factory installed communication
capability with a BACnet MS/TP network.
Allows integration with i-Vu
Open control sys-
tem or a BACnet building automation system.
denser for servicing the compressor.
21. Optional Seismic Isolation Package:
Package shall meet International Building Code
and ASCE 7 seismic qualification requirements
in concurrence with ICC ES AC156 Accep-
tance Criteria for Seismic Qualification by
Shake-Table Testing of Nonstructural Compo-
nents and Systems. Manufacturer shall provide
seismic certificate from OSHPD (California