1. Chiller must be installed level to maintain proper compressor oil return.
2. Piping shown are general points-of-connection guides only and are not
intended for a specific installation. Wiring and piping shown are for a quick
overview of system and are not in accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques. Refer to Carrier System
Design Manual or appropriate ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers) handbook for details.
5. A 20 mesh strainer is required withinh 10 ft (3 m) of the cooler.
FD —
Fused Disconnect
Airflow Through Condenser
Chilled Water Piping
Power Wiring
Fig. 19A — 30XA Typical Piping and Wiring (Units without Hydronic Package)
1. Chiller must be installed level to maintain proper
compressor oil return and hydraulics.
2. Wiring and piping shown are general points-of-
connection guides only and are not intended for a
specific installation. Wiring and piping shown are
for a quick overview of system and are not in
accordance with recognized standards.
3. All wiring must comply with applicable local and
national codes.
4. All piping must follow standard piping techniques.
Refer to Carrier System Design Manual or appro-
priate ASHRAE (American Society of Heating,
Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers)
handbook for details.
5. Air separator required as close to chiller as possi-
ble (except primary/secondary systems).
6. 20 mesh strainer required for open loop systems.
Airflow Through Condenser
Power Wiring
Chilled Water Piping