Criteria for Trip — The criteria are tested whether the circuit is
ON or OFF. The alarm is generated if one of the following
criteria is met:
1. If the voltage as sensed by the MBB is 0 vdc, which
corresponds to the Navigator™ display of –7 psi
(–48.3 kPa).
2. The circuit is ON in cooling mode and the Saturated
Suction Temperature (Saturated Suction Temp, SST)
for the circuit is greater than the Entering Water Tempera-
ture and EXV opening is less than 50% for more than
60 seconds.
Action to be Taken — The circuit is shut down immediately, or
not allowed to start.
Reset Method
1. Automatic, once the transducer voltage is greater than
0 vdc, which corresponds to the Navigator display of a
value greater than –7 psi (–48.3 kPa).
2. Automatic once the circuit’s saturated suction tempera-
ture is lower than the Entering Water Temperature by 3° F
(1.6° C). If this criterion trips the alarm 3 times within a
24-hour period, the alarm changes to a manual reset.
Possible Causes — If this condition is encountered, check the
following items:
• sensor wiring to Main Base Board
• board for a faulty channel
• faulty transducer
• faulty entering water temperature sensor
Reclaim Pumpdown Pressure Transducer
Alarm 32 — Circuit A (Pr.07)
Alarm 33 — Circuit B (Pr.08)
NOTE: Alarms 30 and 31 are not used or supported. If this
condition is encountered, confirm machine configuration.
Oil Pressure Transducer
Alarm 34 — Circuit A (Pr.10)
Alarm 35 — Circuit B (Pr.11)
Criteria for Trip — The criteria are tested whether the circuit is
ON or OFF. The alarm is generated if one of the following cri-
teria is met:
1. If the voltage as sensed by the CPM board is 0 vdc,
which corresponds to the Navigator display of –7 psi
(–48.3 kPa).
2. The circuit is OFF and outside air temperature is below
35.6 F (2 C).
3. The circuit is OFF and the fluid type is brine.
Action to be Taken — The circuit is shut down immediately, or
not allowed to start.
Reset Method — Automatic, once the transducer voltage is
greater than 0 vdc.
Possible Causes — If this condition is encountered, check the
following items:
• sensor wiring to CPM board
• board for a faulty channel
• faulty transducer
• plugged oil filter
• faulty oil solenoid valve coil
• stuck oil solenoid valve
• confirm unit configuration
Economizer Pressure Transducer Failure (sizes
175,200,350,400 only)
Alarm 37 — Circuit A (Pr. 13)
Alarm 38 — Circuit B (Pr. 14)
Criteria for Trip — The criteria are tested whether the circuit is
ON or OFF. The alarm is generated if the voltage as sensed by
the MBB or Fan Board C is 0 vdc, which corresponds to the
Navigator display of –7 psi (–48.3 kPa).
Action to be Taken — The circuit is shut down immediately, or
not allowed to start.
Reset Method — Automatic, once the transducer voltage is
greater than 0 vdc, which corresponds to the Navigator display
of a value greater than –7 psi (–48.3 kPa).
Possible Causes — If this condition is encountered, check the
following items:
• sensor wiring to EXV Board
• EXV board for a faulty channel
• faulty transducer
• faulty economizer EXV or EXV wiring
• faulty economizer EXV channel on the board
• closed or partially closed suction service valve
• confirm unit configuration
Loss of Communication with Compressor Board
Alarm 53 — Compressor Board A (Co.A1)
Alarm 54 — Compressor Board B (Co.B1)
Criteria for Trip — The alarm criterion is tested whether the
unit is ON or OFF. If communication with the Compressor
Protection Module Board (CPM) is lost for a period of 10 sec-
onds, the alarm will be generated.
Action to be Taken — The affected compressor will be shut
Reset Method — Automatic, if communication is established.
If called for, the compressor will start normally.
Possible Causes — If this condition is encountered, check the
following items:
• power supply to the affected CPM board
• address of the CPM
• local equipment network (LEN) wiring
• confirm unit configuration
Loss of Communication with EXV Board
Alarm 56 — Circuit A, EXV Board 1 (Co.E1)
Alarm 57 — Circuit B, EXV Board 2 (Co.E2)
Criteria for Trip — The alarm criterion is tested whether the
unit is ON or OFF. If communication with EXV1 or 2 is lost
for a period of 10 seconds, the alarm will be triggered.
Action to be Taken — If running, Circuit A or B will shut
down normally. If Circuit A or B is not operating, it will not be
allowed to start.
Reset Method — Automatic, if communication is established,
the unit will start normally.
Possible Causes — If this condition is encountered, check the
following items:
• power supply to EXV1 or 2
• address of the EXV board
• local equipment network (LEN) wiring
• confirm unit configuration