Modifying Settings —
You can run the Quick Configu-
ration wizard to modify settings or you can change entries
manually in the fields in the modification tabs provided. When
manually changing entries, you must click apply and/or store
for the changes to take effect. (See Fig. 11.)
To manually change data in fields:
1. Click the desired tab.
2. Click in and highlight the data to be changed.
3. Change the data.
4. Click Apply and Store to save changes.
features can be selected from the Commands menu or you can
click the appropriate button on the toolbar. These features write
the information entered into temporary or permanent storage.
See Fig. 12.
NOTE: Settings must be applied before they can be stored.
APPLY — This applies (transfers) changes from the all tabs
into the attached transceiver's RAM (temporary memory). This
is useful when changing and testing settings you are not sure
you really want.
NOTE: When you exit the configuration program these
changes will not remain in effect. You must click Store for
them to become permanent.
STORE APPLIED SETTINGS — Stores all Applied chang-
es into the transceiver's EEPROM. These settings will remain
in effect upon exiting the program. Stored changes are over-
written when new stored entries are made or when you load the
default factory settings. You must Apply settings prior to stor-
ing them.
RESET UNIT — Performs a soft reset of the attached unit re-
turning the settings stored in EEPROM. Any configuration set-
tings Applied but not Stored to EEPROM will be lost.
LOAD DEFAULT SETTINGS — Reloads Factory Default
settings into unit. All changes made previously will be lost.
REFRESH — This queries a transceiver about its current set-
tings. These settings will be displayed on the screen. It lets you
go back to the last Stored settings before Apply was selected.
Settings will not be refreshed if Store has been selected.
Fig. 8 — Configuration Manager
Fig. 9 — Status Bar
Fig. 10 — Status Lights
Fig. 11 — Toolbar
Fig. 12 — Setting Storage Process