Page 8
Example #1
!The thermostat was turned off the prior day while
in Auto changeover mode.
!The following will occur if the Warmer button is
pressed while the thermostat is off:
!The thermostat changes from Off to Auto.
!The set point is raised to start heater
Example #2
!The thermostat was turned off the prior day while
in Manual, ‘standalone’ Heat mode.
!The following will occur if the Warmer button is
pressed while the thermostat is off:
!The thermostat changes from Off to Heat.
!The set point is raised to start heater
Example #3
!The thermostat was turned off the prior day while
in Manual, ‘standalone’ Cool mode.
!The following will occur if the Warmer button is
pressed while the thermostat is off:
!The thermostat changes from Off to Heat.
!The set point is raised to start heater
Examples of Typical Operation
The following 3 examples illustrate operation
when the thermostat is Off.