Rigging Unit — Inspect unit for shipping damage, and
file any damage claim immediately with transportation
Lift unit with cables and spreader bars, using lifting brack-
ets provided (Fig. 1 and 2). Lift one unit at a time, keep unit
upright, and do not drop. Unit weights are given in Table 1.
Unit center of gravity is within 6 in. of unit’s geometric cen-
ter. Eyebolts may be removed after unit is in final position.
IMPORTANT: Do not drill or punch holes in unit frame
or panels; damage to internal components or wiring
may result.
Unit Positioning — When lowering unit onto roof curb,
do not exceed the out-of-symmetry tolerances given in
Fig. 4 and 5. Be sure unit is level or is pitched within speci-
fied tolerances. Units have drains on both sides and may be
pitched to either side.
Removing Shipping Shields (Fig. 6)
1. Remove shield over flue outlet grille (48MA only).
2. Remove shields (sheet metal covers) located in the outdoor-
air inlet screen tracks behind the louvers. If the screens
are removed for this procedure, be sure to replace them
before replacing the louvered assembly.
Field-Fabricated Ductwork — Supply- and return-
air openings are shown in Fig. 4 and 5. To simplify supply-
air connection, a zone duct plenum may be field fabricated
as shown in Fig. 7. It is recommended that this plenum be
installed prior to unit positioning.
It is recommended that the unit be supported on blocks
temporarily while the duct plenum is installed, rather than
installing the plenum while the unit is suspended. The duct
plenum may be installed once the unit is located in its final
position, but it is much easier to install the plenum prior to
unit final placement.
Zone supply-air duct openings on the base unit have tab
slot connections similar to those shown in Fig. 7 except that
the end partitions are hemmed. Hem is positioned so that the
1-in. flange at entering end of field-fabricated plenum will
force-fit between hem and adjacent unit frame.
Standard flexible duct connections between duct plenum
and duct system may be used. Follow applicable codes.
Insulate any supply-air ducts passing through uncondi-
tioned spaces and cover with a vapor barrier. Separate ducts
with insulation if they run parallel for more than 5 ft. This
will prevent heat transfer between zones.
Install a manual balancing damper in each zone duct to
provide the required zone airflow.
The return-air duct connection consists of 4 sheet metal
flanges as shown in Fig. 1, 2, 4, and 5.
*Factory supplied (with accessory roof curb).
†Field supplied (when using accessory roof curb).
NOTE: Dimensions are in inches.
Fig. 3 — Roof Curb Detail