
ALARM Unit Alarm Relay (Critical Fault)
ALM-CM— Alarm/Warning Relay Common
AO Analog Output
AQUA Aquastat
BM Blower Motor
BPS_S Fan Start/Stop Relay (VFD Bypass Mode)
BR Blower Relay
BYPAS VFD Bypass Control
CBR Circuit Breaker
CC Compressor Contactor
CCN Carrier Comfort Network
CDWF Condenser Waterflow Relay
CDWFS Condenser Waterflow Switch
CLO Compressor Lockout Control
CMP Compressor Control Relay
COMPR Compressor
CSMUX Signal Multiplexer-Comp Status
DHS Duct High Static Limit Switch
DO Digital Output
DSP Duct Static Pressure Transducer
ECONO Economizer Valve/Damper Control
EWT Entering Water Temperature Sensor
FLTS Filter Status Switch
FREEZ Freeze Thermostat (Water Economizer)
FSD Fire Alarm/Shutdown
GND Ground
HIR Heat Interlock Relay
HPS High Refrigerant Pressure Switch
LPS Low Refrigerant Pressure Switch
MA_RA Mixed/Return Air Temperature Sensor
MBVR Motorized Ball Valve Relay
MSR Local/Remote Control Relays
OLR Compressor Motor Protector
PCB1 Unit Control Board
PCB2,3 I/O Expansion Board
PHASE Phase/Rotation Monitor
PHASER Phase Monitor Relay
RAT Return Air Thermostat
RESET External Reset
ROCC Remote Occupancy
SAT Supply Air Temp. Sensor
SPT Space/Zone Temperature Sensor
SF Supply Fan Start/Stop Relay
SPEED 0-10 VDC Signal Isolator for VFD
SW Switch
TB2 Terminal Block for Field Connections
TRANS Transformer
TRMCT VAV Terminals Control
TRMOP VAV Terminals Open
VENTR Ventilation Output
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
WARN Unit Warning Relay (Non-Critical Fault)
Factory Wiring
Field Wiring
1. Partial wiring shown on both power and control diagrams.
2. Class 2 transformer TRANS-1 is wired into separate circuit. Do not interconnect other
transformers or circuits; circuit separation or compressor transformers from low voltage
control panel transformers shall be maintained.
3. Shielded wire shall have drain wire connected to VFD ground screw. The floating end
of the drain wire shall be insulated.
4. Shielded wire shall have drain wire connected to the control panel, adjacent to the
PCB. The floating end of the drain wire shall be insulated.