Step 5 — Check Relay Board Outputs from the Processor
Board — This step involves checking the output signals from
relays K1-K3 on the relay board.
1. Turn power to OFF position.
2. Connect negative test probe to TP19 (meter still set to
3. Turn switch to ON position and enter Quick Test mode.
4. Connect positive test probe to terminal 14 on pin termi-
nal connector J9, and check voltage from TP19 to ter-
minal 14 on pin terminal connector J9.
5. If not ϩ12 ± 1 vdc, replace processor board.
6. Turn switch to OFF position.
7. Remove negative test probe from TP19. Connect positive
test probe to TP15.
8. Turn switch to ON position and go into Quick Test mode.
9. Place negative lead on terminals shown in Table 23, and
check voltage between TP15 and terminals shown in
Table 23 on pin terminal connector J9. See Fig. 50 for J9
Table 23 — Voltage Reading
1.-2.3. 00000000000012
2.4. 000000120000012
2.5. 000000012000012
2.6. 0000000120120012
2.7. 0000000120012012
2.8. 0000000120001212
2.9. 12 00000012000012
3.0. 0 12 0000012000012
3.1. 0012 000012000012
3.2. 000012 0012000012
3.3. 0000012 012000012
1. Pins shown in boldface type will only be energized for 10 sec-
onds.Allotherpins willbeenergizedcontinuouslywhile attheproper
quick test step. The control will only stay in the Quick Test routine
for 10 minutes unless the display button is pressed.
2. Acceptable range for the voltage reading:
3. If any of these voltages are not measured, replace the processor
Step 6 — Display Board Connection Checkout
1. Turn power to OFF position.
2. Disconnect the ribbon cable.
3. Connect negative lead of meter to TP18.
4. Turn power to ON position and go into Quick Test mode.
5. Place the other lead on terminals shown in table below,
and check voltage at pin terminals on pin terminal con-
nector J10 (see Fig. 51 for pin terminal connector J10
17 5
18 5
20* 2.5
22* 2.5
24 5
*Voltage reading is dependent on the meter’s impedance. Readings
may vary with different meters.
6. If voltage is not correct, replace processor board.
Step 7 — Potentiometer Connection Checkout.
1. Turn power to OFF position.
2. Remove plug connection from pin terminal strip J3.
3. Connect negative meter lead to terminal 2 of J3.
4. Turn switch to ON position and go into Quick Test mode.
5. Place the other lead on terminals shown in table below,
and check voltage at pin terminals on terminal connector
1* 2.5
3 5
6 5
8* 2.5
10* 2.5
12 5
13* 2.5
14* 2.5
*Voltage reading is dependent on the meter’s impedance. Readings
may vary with different meters.
6. If voltage is not correct, replace processor board.
Step 8 − Thermistor Input Connector Checkout
1. Turn power to OFF position.
2. Remove the thermistor connections from pin terminal con-
nector J1, and mark them for later replacement.
3. Connect the negative test lead to test pin TP18.
4. Turn power to ON position, and enter the Quick Test
5. Place the other lead on terminals shown in Table 24, and
check the voltages.
6. If voltages are incorrect (per Table 24), replace processor
7. Turn power to OFF position, and replace the thermistor
connections removed in Step 2.
8. Turn power to ON position.
Fig. 50 — Relay Board Pin Terminal Connector (J9)
Fig. 51 — Display Board PinTerminal Connector (J10)