Factory--installed options
Coil options include tin--plated* indoor hairpins, copper/copper
and vinyl--coated construction for refrigerant coils. Units are
shipped standard with copper tube/aluminum fin construction. See
model number nomenclature for coil options.
*Tin--plated indoor coils are built with special hairpins that are
designed to resist both general pitting corrosion and excessive
indoor corrosion (Formicary Corrosion).
Field--installed accessories
Manual Air Damper (25% open)
Electric Heaters
Filter Rack
Flat Roof Curbs (8--in. and 14--in.) (203 mm and 256 mm)
Square--to--Round Duct Transition Kit
Infinityt User Interface
Crankcase Heater
Lifting Kit
Compressor Hard Start Kit
Manual outside air damper includes hood and filter rack with
adjustable damper blade for up to 25% outdoor air.
Electric heaters provide additional heat in the unit when required.
Each package has a heater module that slides into the controls
compartment. Heater sizes range from 5.0 to 20.0 kW. The electric
heater design allows the use of a single--point power supply for the
entire unit, resulting in lower installed costs.
Flat roof curbs in both 8 in. (203 mm) and 14 in. (256 mm) sizes
are available for roof mounted applications.
Square--to--round duct transition kit enables 024--048 size units
to be fitted to 14 in. round ductwork.
Infinity User Interface coupled with the system’s variable--speed
indoor blower delivers Carrier’s patented IdealHumidity
technology that allows for even greater humidity control. Along
with more precisely controlling temperature and humidity, the
Infinity User Interface offers full seven--day programmability
allowing you to further customize your comfort and energy
Lifting kit includes 4 metal brackets that are available to assist in
lifting this product onto a roof application.
Crankcase heater provides anti--floodback protection for
low--load cooling applications.
Filter rack featu res easy installation, serviceability, a nd
high--filtering performance for vertical or horizontal applications.
Compressor hard start kit assists compressor start--up by
providing additional starting torque on single phase units and
prolongs compressor motor life.
Electric Heaters
(kW) FUSED STAGES 24 30 36 42 48 60
208/240 — SINGLE PHASE (60 Hz)
CPHEATER080A00 3.8 / 5.0 NO 1 X X X
CPHEATER081A00 3.8 / 5.0 YES 1 X X X
CPHEATER083A00 5.4 / 7.2 YES 1 X X X X X X
CPHEATER085A00 7.5 / 10.0 YES 1 X X X X X X
CPHEATER087A00 11.3 / 15.0 YES 2 X X X X X
CPHEATER089A00 15.0 / 20.0 YES 2 X X X
Electric heaters are rated at 240v. Refer to Multiplica tion Factors table for other voltages.
X=Approved combination