1-1 T-268-07
It has been determined that pressurized,
air-rich mixtures of refrigerants and air can
undergo combustion when exposed to an
ignition source.
This manual contains Operating Data, Electrical Data
and Service Instructions for therefrigeration units listed
in Table 1-1. Also, Table 1-1 charts some significant
differences between these models.
Beginning with early 1995 production, in
addition to amodel number, CarrierTransicold
in the format NT0000. In the parts manual, the
PID number is shown in boldface to point out
parts variations within models. The PID
number must be included when ordering and
inquiring about your unit.
The unit, of lightweight aluminum frame construction,
is an all electric, one piece, self-contained cooling and
heating refrigeration unit. The unit i s designed to fit in
thefrontof acontainerandtoserveast he containerfront
wall. Forklift pockets are provided for installation and
removal of the unit.
The unit is complete with a charge of R-134a,
compressor lubricating oil (approved POE SW20
compressor oil for R-134a only), mode indicating
lights, and temperature controller, and is ready for
operation upon installation.
Some units are equipped with a two-speed compressor
that is used to enhance power saving.
Someunits aredual voltageunits designedto operateon
190/230 or 380/460 volts AC, 3-phase, 50-60 hertz
power (refer to s ection 2.4). Other units are designed to
operate on 380/460 volts AC, 3-phase 50/60 hertz
power only. An external autotransformer is required for
190/230 vac operation (refer to Figure 2-9 and section
Operating control power is provided by a control
transformer which steps down the AC supply power
source to 18 and 24 volts AC, single phase control
The temperature Controller/DataCORDER (Micro-Link
2i) is a micr oproc essor -ba se d c ontro ller and a integ ra ted
elec tronic data logging device. Refe r to sections 3.1 and
3.3. Once the temperature controller is set at a desired
conta iner temperatur e, the unit will oper a te au tomatic ally
to mainta in the de sire d tempe ra tur e within very close
limits. The contr ol syste m automa tica lly selects cooling,
holding or hea ting as necessa r y to ma inta in the desire d
tempe ra ture within the conta ine r.
Bew a r e of unanno unc ed star t i ng of the
evaporator and condenser fans. Do not open
the condense r fan grille befo r e tur ning
power OFF and disconne cting powe r plug .
Some units are equipped with amechanical temperature
Some units may have a TransFRESH controlled
atmosphere system added. Contact TransFRESH
Corporation, P.O. Box 1788, Salinas, CA 93902 for
information on their system.