1-- 6T -343
The rotor is, in e f fect, thesecondary of arotatingcurrent
transformer induction frequency converter. The exciter
rotor output voltage is applied to the generator field
windings by a three--phase, full wave rotating silicon
rectifier unit. T h eresponsetime of theexcitation system
is very fast as the exciter stator carries an alternating
current corresponding to the load current that appears
immediately on the exciter primary. An increase in load
current will cause an immediate increase in the exciter
secondary output voltage, which is rectified and applied
to the generator field windings. The inherent
compounding characteristics of the excitation system
provide excellent voltage regulation even under heavy
overload conditions.
Figure 1-5 A-- C Generator Circuit Diagram
Observe properpolarity when installing the
batteryorconnecting abatterycharger. The
negative battery terminal must be
grounded. Reverse polarity may damage
the charging system. When charging the
battery in unit, isolate the battery by
first, then the positive. Oncethe battery has
been charged, connect the positive battery
terminal first, then the negative.
The solid state battery charger (see Figure 1-2) is
located totheleft ofthe radiator .The charger ispowered
by the generator, and this input is protected b y a circuit
breaker located on the control panel. The battery
charger produces a tapered charge (25 amps
maximum) and is designed not to overcharge the
1.7.1 Introduction
Components required for monitoring and controlling the
unit are located in the control box, on the control panel
(see Figure 1-6) and on the receptacle box (see
Figure 1-1).
1.7.2 Control Panel and Related Components
a. Gauges and Senders
1. Oil Pressure Gauge (see Figure 1-6, Figure 1-7,
Figure 1-8)
The purpose of this gauge is to observe normal
operating engine oil pressure. N ormal oil pressure is 35
to 60 psig (3.3 to 5.2 kg/cm
2. Oil Pressure Sender (see Figure 1-4)
This device senses engine lube oil pressure and
transmits a signal to the oil pressure gauge. The oil
pressure sender is located on the oil filter housing.
3. Water Temperature Gauge (see Figure 1-6,
Figure 1-7, Figure 1-8)
The function of this gauge is to observe water operating
temperature. The gauge is connected to the water
temperature sender.
4. Water Temperature Sender (see Figure 1-2)
This device senses engine water temperature and
transmits a signal to the water temperature gauge.
5. Low Coolant Sensor (see Figure 1-2)
This device senses the coolant level inside the radiator
and will complete a conductive circuit as long as the
probes remain immersed in coolant. When the coolant
level falls below the probes, a signal will be sent to the
auto restart module, shutting down the engine and all
12--volt circuitry.
6. Auto Restart Module
Auto start/restart is provided to simplify the start--up
process and provide an automatic restart feature that
will automatically attempt to restart the unit in the event
of shutdown. Four LEDs are used to indicate shutdown
from overcrank, overspeed, low oil pressure, and high
water temperature. A fifth LED is used to indicate the
unit is running. Refer to Table 1-2 for system preset
The auto restart function will perform a series of six
attempts to restart the unit and make three attempts
within each series. Once the function has c ompleted all
18 attempts, the unit will automatically lock out future
crank attempts. Refer to Table 1-3 for detailed
information on auto restart sequencing.