Models 750, 751, 754, 774, 794 Operating Procedures
Step 7
Place the mix hopper cover in position over the mix
Repeat steps 1 through 7 for the other side of the
freezer on Models 754, 774, and 794.
Closing Procedure
To disassemble your unit, the following items will be
S T wo cleaning pails
S Sanitized stainless steel rerun can with lid
S Necessary brushes (provided with freezer)
S Cleaner
S Single service towels
Draining Product From The
Freezing Cylinder
Step 1
Press the AUTO key, cancelling compressor and
beater motor operation.
Press the MIX REF key, cancelling the mix hopper
refrigeration system.
Step 2
Remove the hopper cover, hopper gasket and air tube.
Take these parts to the sink for cleaning.
Step 3
With a sanitized pail beneath the door spout, press the
W ASH key. Lower the draw handle and drain the
remaining product from the freezing cylinder and mix
Step 4
When the flow of product s tops, press the WASH key,
and raise the draw handle. If local health codes permit,
empty the rerun into a sanitized stainless steel can.
Cover the container and place it in the walk -in cooler .
Repeat steps 1 through 4 for the other side of the
freezer on Models 754, 774 and 794.
Step 1
Pour two gallons (7.6 liters) of coolclean water intothe
mix hopper. With the brushes provided, scrub the mix
hopper, mix inlet hole and mix level sensing probe.
Step 2
With apail beneath the doorspout, raise the primeplug
and press the WASH key.
Step 3
When a steady stream of rinse water is flowing from
the prime plug opening in the bottom of the freezer
door, lower t he draw handle. Drain a ll the rinse water
from the freezing cylinder, r aise the draw handle and
press the WASH key cancelling the WASH mode.
Repeat steps 1 through 3 for the other side of the
freezer on Models 754, 774 and 794.
Step 1
Prepare two gallons (7.6 liters) of an approved clean-
ing solution ( example: Kay-5r). USE WARM WATER
Step 2
Push down the prime plug. Pour the two gallons ( 7.6
liters) of c leaning solution into the mix hopper.
Step 3
While the solution is flowing into the freezing cylinder,
brush clean the mix hopper, mix level sensing probe,
and the mix inlet hole.
Step 4
Press the WASH key. This will cause the cleaning
solution in th e freezing c ylinder to agitate.
Step 5
Place an empty pail beneat h the door spout and raise
the prime plug.
Step 6
When a steady stream of cleaning solution is flowing
from the p rime plug opening in the bottom o f the
freezer door, lower the draw handle. Draw off all of the
Step 7
Once the cleaner stops flowing from the door spout,
raise the draw handle and press the WASH key
cancelling the WASH mode.