It will be necessaryto paya visit to your local municipaloffices
to applyfor a buildingpermit. Buildingpermitsarenecessaryto
ensure proper installation, safety and adherenceto all local
building code specifications.The location and phonenumber
can befoundin thegovernmentsectionof yourlocal phonebook.
Plan the locationof your generator.NOTE:Donot place the
generatordirectlyundera window.Selectan area outsideof
your homenearestyourincominggasservice.
Arrangefor installation of rigid gas piping (per local code
specifications)to the locationwhereyouintendto positionyour
generator.Fuel pipingshould includea fuel shut-off valve.The
termination of the rigid piping should be aligned with the
generatorfuel inlet locatedat therearofthecompartment.
to a depthof 5 inches.This includesthe distancethe generator
shouldbesetawayfromanystructure(3feet)and6 inchesbeyond
thewidthandlengthof thegeneratormountingpad(48"Lx24"W).
NOTE:Local codes may supercede these requirements.
Layblack poly-filmto coverthe area.
Fill the areato groundlevelwith peagravelor crushedstone.
Placethe generator,which isattachedtothe mountingpad,on
the areayouhavejust prepared.
Drivean 8 ft. groundingrodinto the groundto grade.
Attach oneend of the groundingstrap (No.12 AWGstranded
copperwire)to groundingrodandthe otherendto thegrounding
lug (locatedatrearcornerof unit). Makesuregroundingrodand
strap arenot exposedabovegroundlevel.(NEDcodeappliesto
NOTE:Generatormodeswitch should be placedin the "off"
position.Generator main line circuit breaker should be
switchedto "off" or openposition.
Makethe connectionbetweenthe rigid fuel piping and the
generatorusing thesuppliedthreadedflexiblefuel line. Theflex
hoseshouldbestraight. Donot bendthe hosein place of using
pipe elbows. Use a pipe sealant suitable for gaseousfuel
connections.Checkconnectionsfor leaks by openingmanual
fuel shut-off valve and swab or sprayconnectionswith soapy
water. If a leakexiststhe areawill bubblewith the presenceof
the soapywater.
If a leak is located,shutoff fuel, anddisconnectflexiblepiping.
Drythe threadedendsand reapplyanadequateamountof pipe
sealant. Reconnectflexible fuel line, open fuel supply and
recheckfor leaks.If leak still exists,repeatstep9b.