Model PH61Operating Procedures
Place the power switch in the “ON” position. This will
activate the air compressor to supply pressure to the
syrup system.
Install the syrup sampler to the fitting of the syrup
Press the corresponding flavor button for the syrup
line being sanitized.
Place an empty pail beneath the exit point of the
syrup line. Press the CAL key. A message will
appear on the LCD.
Press the WASH key. Flush the syrup line until the
solution runs clear. Press the CAL key to stop the
flow of sanitizing solution.
Note: This procedure will thoroughly clean the
syrup lines and prevent bacteria build-up.
Turn the syrup tank with the sanitizing solution
upside-down. Press the CAL key. Press the WASH
key to clear the syrup line of any remaining sanitizer.
When the sanitizer has been flushed from the syrup
lines, press the CAL key to complete this step.
Repeat this procedure for all syrup lines.
Place the power switch to the OFF position.