Deluxe D Control Accessory Relay Configura-
tions —
The following accessory relay settings are applica-
ble for Deluxe D control:
CYCLE WITH FAN — In this configuration, the accessory
relay 1 will be ON any time the Fan Enable relay is on.
CYCLE WITH COMPRESSOR — In this configuration, the
accessory relay 2 will be ON any time the Compressor relay
is on.
DIGITAL NIGHT SET BACK (NSB) — In this configura-
tion, the relay will be ON if the NSB input is connected to
ground C.
NOTE: If there are no relays configured for digital NSB, then
the NSB and override (OVR) inputs are automatically config-
ured for mechanical operation.
connected to ground C, all thermostat inputs are ignored. A
thermostat set back heating call will then be connected to the
OVR input. If OVR input becomes active, then the Deluxe D
control will enter night low limit (NLL) staged heating mode.
The NLL staged heating mode will then provide heating dur-
ing the NSB period.
WATER VALVE (SLOW OPENING) — If relay is configured
for Water Valve (slow opening), the relay will start 60 seconds
prior to starting compressor relay.
OUTSIDE AIR DAMPER (OAD) — If relay is configured for
OAD, the relay will normally be ON any time the Fan Enable
relay is energized. The relay will not start for 30 minutes fol-
lowing a return to normal mode from NSB, when NSB is no
longer connected to ground C. After 30 minutes, the relay will
start if the Fan Enable is set to ON.
Use the procedure outlined below to initiate proper unit
NOTE: This equipment is designed for indoor installation only.
Operating Limits
ENVIRONMENT — This equipment is designed for indoor
installation ONLY. Extreme variations in temperature, humidi-
ty and corrosive water or air will adversely affect the unit per-
formance, reliability and service life.
POWER SUPPLY — A voltage variation of ± 10% of name-
plate utilization voltage is acceptable.
UNIT STARTING CONDITIONS — Units start and operate
in an ambient temperature of 45 F with entering-air tempera-
ture at 50 F, entering-water temperature at 60 F and with both
air and water at the flow rates used.
NOTE: These operating limits are not normal or continuous
operating conditions. Assume that such a start-up is for the
purpose of bringing the building space up to occupancy tem-
perature. See Table 18 for operating limits.
1. Restore power to system.
2. Turn thermostat fan position to ON. Blower should start.
3. Balance airflow at registers.
4. Adjust all valves to the full open position and turn on the
line power to all heat pump units.
5. Operate unit in the cooling cycle. Refer to Table 14 for
unit operating limits.
NOTE: Three factors determine the operating limits of a unit:
(1) entering air temperature, (2) water temperature and (3)
ambient temperature. Whenever any of these factors are at a
minimum or maximum level, the other two factors must be at a
normal level to ensure proper unit operation. See Table 18.
Table 18 — Operating Limits —
50PSH, PSV, PSD Units
NOTE: Value in heating column is dry bulb only. Any wet bulb reading is
Scroll Compressor Rotation — It is important to be
certain compressor is rotating in the proper direction. To
determine whether or not compressor is rotating in the proper
1. Connect service gages to suction and discharge pressure
2. Energize the compressor.
3. The suction pressure should drop and the discharge
pressure should rise, as is normal on any start-up.
If the suction pressure does not drop and the discharge
pressure does not rise to normal levels:
1. Turn off power to the unit. Install disconnect tag.
2. Reverse any two of the unit power leads.
3. Reapply power to the unit and verify pressures are correct.
The suction and discharge pressure levels should now move
to their normal start-up levels.
When the compressor is rotating in the wrong direction, the
unit makes more noise and does not provide cooling.
After a few minutes of reverse operation, the scroll com-
pressor internal overload protection will open, thus activating
the unit lockout. This requires a manual reset. To reset, turn the
thermostat on and then off.
NOTE: There is a 5-minute time delay before the compressor
will start.
Unit Start-Up Cooling Mode
1. Adjust the unit thermostat to the warmest position.
Slowly reduce the thermostat position until the compres-
sor activates.
2. Check for cool air delivery at unit grille a few minutes
after the unit has begun to operate.
3. Verify that the compressor is on and that the water flow
rate is correct by measuring pressure drop through the
heat exchanger using P/T plugs. See Table 19. Check the
elevation and cleanliness of the condensate lines; any
dripping could be a sign of a blocked line. Be sure the
condensate trap includes a water seal.
To avoid equipment damage, DO NOT leave system filled
in a building without heat during the winter unless anti-
freeze is added to system water. Condenser coils never
fully drain by themselves and will freeze unless winterized
with antifreeze.
When the disconnect switch is closed, high voltage is
present in some areas of the electrical panel. Exercise cau-
tion when working with the energized equipment. Failure
to heed this warning may result in personal injury.
Min. Ambient Air 45 39
Rated Ambient Air 80.6 68
Max. Ambient Air 110 85
Min. Entering Air 50 40
Rated Entering Air db/wb 80/67 68
Max. Entering Air db/wb 110/83 80
Min. Entering Water 30 20
Normal Entering Water 50-110 30-70
Max. Entering Water 120 90
db — Dry Bulb
wb — Wet Bulb