Chillled Water Piping — See Tables 1C and 1D for
chilled water connecton sizes. For ease in bazing, it it recom-
mended that all internal solder joints be made before unit is
placed in final position.
Knockouts are provided in the unit corner posts for 40RUS re-
frigerant piping. Additional field-fabricated access holes are re-
quired for 40RUS chilled water piping. See Fig. 7, which lists
recommended knockouts and access holes to use for each
40RUS unit size.
To size, design, and install chilled water piping, consult the
Carrier System Design manual. See Fig. 11 for an example of a
typical installation. Recommended fittings are listed in Table 3.
To access 40RUS coil vents and drains, remove the unit side
panel over the coil header. Vent and drain plugs are on the top
and bottom of header, respectively. See the Service section for
information on preventing coil freeze-up during winter.
Fig. 11 — Typical 40RUS Chilled Water Piping