Table 25 — Approximate Fluid Volume (gal.)
per 100 Ft of Pipe
NOTE: Volume of heat exchanger is approximately 1.0 gallon.
Table 26 — Antifreeze Percentages by Volume
Cooling Tower/Boiler Systems — These systems typ-
ically use a common loop temperature maintained at 60 to 90 F.
Carrier recommends using a closed circuit evaporative cooling
tower with a secondary heat exchanger between the tower and
the water loop. If an open type cooling tower is used continu-
ously, chemical treatment and filtering will be necessary.
Ground Coupled, Closed Loop and Plateframe
Heat Exchanger Well Systems (50RHR,RVR,
These systems allow water
temperatures from 30 to 110 F. The external loop field is divid-
ed up into 2 in. polyethylene supply and return lines. Each line
has valves connected in such a way that upon system start-up,
each line can be isolated for flushing using only the system
pumps. Locate air separation in the piping system prior to the
fluid re-entering the loop field.
Power Up Mode —
The unit will not operate until all the
inputs, terminals and safety controls are checked for normal
NOTE: The compressor will have a 5-minute anti-short cycle
upon power up.
Units with Aquazone™ Complete C Control
STANDBY — Y and W terminals are not active in standby
mode, however the O and G terminals may be active, depend-
ing on the application. The compressor will be off.
COOLING — Y and O terminals are active in Cooling mode.
After power up, the first call to the compressor will initiate a
5 to 80 second random start delay and a 5-minute anti-short
cycle protection time delay. After both delays are complete, the
compressor is energized.
NOTE: On all subsequent compressor calls the random start
delay is omitted.
HEATING STAGE 1 — Terminal Y is active in heating
stage 1. After power up, the first call to the compressor will
initiate a 5 to 80 second random start delay and a 5-minute
anti-short cycle protection time delay. After both delays are
complete, the compressor is energized.
NOTE: On all subsequent compressor calls the random start
delay is omitted.
HEATING STAGE 2 — To enter Stage 2 mode, terminal W is
active (Y is already active). Also, the G terminal must be ac-
tive or the W terminal is disregarded. The compressor relay
will remain on and EH1 is immediately turned on. EH2 will
turn on after 10 minutes of continual stage 2 demand.
NOTE: EH2 will not turn on (or if on, will turn off) if FP1 tem-
perature is greater than 45 F and FP2 is greater than 110 F.
EMERGENCY HEAT — In emergency heat mode, terminal
W is active while terminal Y is not. Terminal G must be active
or the W terminal is disregarded. EH1 is immediately turned
on. EH2 will turn on after 5 minutes of continual emergency
heat demand.
Units with Aquazone Deluxe D Control
STANDBY/FAN ONLY — The compressor will be off. The
Fan Enable, Fan Speed, and reversing valve (RV) relays will be
on if inputs are present. If there is a Fan 1 demand, the Fan
Enable will immediately turn on. If there is a Fan 2 demand,
the Fan Enable and Fan Speed will immediately turn on.
NOTE: DIP switch 5 on S1 does not have an effect upon Fan 1
and Fan 2 outputs.
HEATING STAGE 1 — In Heating Stage 1 mode, the Fan
Enable and Compressor relays are turned on immediately.
Once the demand is removed, the relays are turned off and the
control reverts to Standby mode. If there is a master/slave or
dual compressor application, all compressor relays and related
functions will operate per their associated DIP switch 2 setting
on S1.
HEATING STAGE 2 — In Heating Stage 2 mode, the Fan
Enable and Compressor relays are remain on. The Fan Speed
relay is turned on immediately and turned off immediately
once the demand is removed. The control reverts to Heating
Stage 1 mode. If there is a master/slave or dual compressor
application, all compressor relays and related functions will op-
erate per their associated DIP switch 2 setting on S1.
HEATING STAGE 3 — In Heating Stage 3 mode, the Fan
Enable, Fan Speed and Compressor relays remain on. The EH1
output is turned on immediately. With continuing Heat Stage 3
demand, EH2 will turn on after 10 minutes. EH1 and EH2 are
turned off immediately when the Heating Stage 3 demand is re-
moved. The control reverts to Heating Stage 2 mode.
Output EH2 will be off if FP1 is greater than 45 F AND
FP2 (when shorted) is greater than 110 F during Heating
Stage 3 mode. This condition will have a 30-second recogni-
tion time. Also, during Heating Stage 3 mode, EH1, EH2, Fan
Enable, and Fan Speed will be ON if G input is not active.
EMERGENCY HEAT — In Emergency Heat mode, the Fan
Enable and Fan Speed relays are turned on. The EH1 output is
turned on immediately. With continuing Emergency Heat de-
mand, EH2 will turn on after 5 minutes. Fan Enable and Fan
Speed relays are turned off after a 60-second delay. The control
reverts to Standby mode.
Output EH1, EH2, Fan Enable, and Fan Speed will be ON if
the G input is not active during Emergency Heat mode.
COOLING STAGE 1 — In Cooling Stage 1 mode, the Fan
Enable, compressor and RV relays are turned on immediately.
If configured as stage 2 (DIP switch set to OFF) then the com-
pressor and fan will not turn on until there is a stage 2 demand.
The fan Enable and compressor relays are turned off immedi-
ately when the Cooling Stage 1 demand is removed. The con-
trol reverts to Standby mode. The RV relay remains on until
there is a heating demand. If there is a master/slave or dual
compressor application, all compressor relays and related func-
tions will track with their associated DIP switch 2 on S1.
COOLING STAGE 2 — In Cooling Stage 2 mode, the Fan
Enable, compressor and RV relays remain on. The Fan Speed
relay is turned on immediately and turned off immediately
once the Cooling Stage 2 demand is removed. The control re-
verts to Cooling Stage 1 mode. If there is a master/slave or dual
Copper 14.1
1.25 6.4
1.5 9.2
Rubber Hose 13.9
IPS SDR11 2.8
1 IPS SDR11 4.5
IPS SDR11 8.0
IPS SDR11 10.9
2 IPS SDR11 18.0
IPS SCH40 8.3
IPS SCH40 10.9
2 IPS SCH40 17.0
IPS — Internal Pipe Size
SCH — Schedule
SDR — Standard Dimensional Ratio
10 15 20 25
Methanol (%) 25 21 16 10
100% USP Food Grade
Propylene Glycol (%)
38 30 22 15
Ethanol (%) 29 25 20 14