
C — Reversing valve output (O/W2/B) is energized when COOL mode is
Default is C.
Option 11 — Deadband Setting Between Heat & Cool
This option is not available on Heat Only and Cool Only systems. This selection
is to allow the installer to choose how much differential exists between the
heating and cooling setpoints. Allowable selections are 16.
Default is 2.
Option 12 — Smart Recovery
Smart Recovery OF (off) means setpoints change precisely at setback recovery
time. Thirty, 60, or 90 selects the number of minutes recovery starts before
programmed recovery time. Recovery takes place smoothly during the selected
recovery time, ending at the recovery time and temperature which is
programmed. Not available with nonprogrammable thermostats or when
thermostat is configured as nonprogrammable.
Default is 90.
Option 13 — Room Air Temperature Offset Adjust
The number of degrees to be added to the displayed temperature to calibrate or
deliberately miscalibrate the measured room temperature ( 5 to +5_).
Default is 0.
Option 15 — Enable Auto Mode
This selection is not available if the thermostat is configured as Heat Only or
Cool Only in Option 1. This allows the homeowner to select auto changeover
mode in addition to heat and cool. This allows the thermostat to automatically
change between heating mode and cooling mode when sufficient demand for
heating or cooling exists.