The term polyphony refers to the maximum number of notes you can
play at the same time. The keyboard has 12-note polyphony, which
includes the notes you play as well as the rhythms and auto-accom-
paniment patterns that are played by the keyboard. This means that
when a rhythm or auto-accompaniment pattern is being played by
the keyboard, the number of notes (polyphony) available for key-
board play is reduced. Also note that some of the tones offer only 6-
note polyphony.
• When rhythm or auto accompaniment is playing, the number of
sounds simultaneously played is reduced.
Digital Sampling
A number of the tones that are available with this keyboard have
been recorded and processed using a technique called digital sam-
pling. To ensure a high level of tonal quality, samples are taken in the
low, mid, and high ranges and then combined to provide you with
sounds that are amazingly close to the originals. You may notice very
slight differences in volume or sound quality for some tones when
you play them at different positions on the keyboard. This is an un-
avoidable result of multiple sampling, and it is not a sign of malfunc-
01.7.26, 10:40 AMPage 17