3. Click Next.
This displays the “Preceding License Agreement”.
Be sure to read the “Preceding License Agreement”.
4. After reading the agreement, click Yes.
This displays the “Software End User License Agreement”.
Be sure to read the “Software End User License Agreement”.
5. After reading the agreement, click Yes.
This displays the Choose Destination Location screen.
6. Check the install destination location, and then click Next.
• If you want to change the installation location, click Browse.
• Clicking Next starts installation.
7. The InstallShield Wizard Complete screen will appear after
installation is complete. Click Finish.
Check to make sure that everything was installed correctly.
• If you installed this application following the above steps, there should be a DISC
TITLE PRINTER shortcut icon on your Windows desktop.
Installing Adobe Reader
Your computer must have Adobe Reader or Acrobat Reader 4.0 or higher installed in
order to view the PDF file user documentation for the DISC TITLE PRINTER. If your
computer does not have one of these readers installed, perform the following
procedure to install Adobe Reader 6.0 from the CD-ROM.
■ To install Adobe Reader
1. Place the CD-ROM that comes with the printer into the CD driver of your computer.
2. When the installer screen for the printing software appears, click Cancel to
cancel it.
3. Navigate to the Adobe Reader folder on the CD-ROM, where you will find fold-
ers whose names indicate the language version: English, French, German, Ital-
ian, Spanish. Open the folder whose language matches that of your computer
operating system. In the folder, open the file named Readme_casio.txt, and
carefully read its contents. After you are finished, close the Readme_casio.txt
Be sure to read the entire contents of the Readme_casio.txt file.
4. Inside the folder where the Readme_casio.txt is located, double-click the file
named AbdeRdr60_xxx_full.exe.
• The “xxx” portion of the file name will be a three-letter code indicating the
language of the file contents.
Double-clicking the file will start installation of Adobe Reader.
Follow the instructions that appear on your computer screen to complete instal-
To Read the Contents of a Manual in a PDF file
1. Place the CD-ROM that comes with the printer into the CD drive of your computer.
2. When the installer screen for the printing software appears, click Cancel to
cancel it.
3. Navigate to the User’s Guide folder on the CD-ROM, where you will find folders
whose names indicate the language version: English, French, German, Italian,
Spanish. Open the folder whose language matches that of your computer oper-
ating system. Depending on the documentation you want to view, double-click
the PDF file in the folder you opened to view its contents.
• The examples in the User’s Guide use the contents of the English-language
To Uninstall Printing Software
1. Click the Windows Start button, and then click Control Panel.
2. Double click the Add or Remove Programs icon.
This causes the Add or Remove Programs dialog box to appear.
3. In the list of installed software, click DISC TITLE PRINTER to select
4. Click the Change/Remove button.
5. Click Yes.
• Some files may cause a separate confirmation dialog box to appear before
they can be deleted. If you are unsure about whether you should keep a file,
select No.
6. Click OK.
This completes the printing software uninstall operation.
Connecting to your Computer
• Perform the following procedures only after you have installed the software on
your computer.
• Use only the USB cable that comes bundled with the printer.
To Connect to Your Computer
■ For a model that comes with an AC adaptor
1. Connect the power cord to the AC adaptor.
2. Connect the USB cable to the USB port of
your computer.
• Be sure you connect directly to the USB
port of the computer. Connecting through
a hub or chaining through another USB
device may cause misoperation.
• The first time you connect the USB cable,
you have to remove the sticker covering
the printer’s USB port.