Using the Action Menu
u LU
Function: Returns the LU decomposition of a square matrix.
Syntax: LU (Mat, lVariableMem, uVariableMem [
Example: To obtain the LU decomposition of the matrix [[1,2,3] [4,5,6] [7,8,9]]
• The lower matrix is assigned to the first variable L, while the upper matrix is assigned to
the second variable U.
Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Calculation][LU]
To display the lower matrix
Menu Item: [VAR][CAP][L][EXE]
To display the upper matrix
Menu Item: [VAR][CAP][U][EXE]
u QR
Function: Returns the QR decomposition of a square matrix.
Syntax: QR (Mat, qVariableMem, rVariableMem [
Example: To obtain the QR decomposition of the matrix [[1, 2] [3, 4]]
• The unitary matrix is assigned to variable Q, while the upper triangular matrix is
assigned to variable R.
Menu Item: [Action][Matrix-Calculation][QR]
To display the unitary matrix
Menu Item: [VAR][CAP][Q][EXE]