No. Displayed Name Formula Name
109 SimpHarmMot2 Simple Harmonic Motion (2)
110 SimpPendCyc Cycle of Simple Pendulum
111 SineTheorem1 Sine Theorem (1)
112 SineTheorem2 Sine Theorem (2)
113 SineTheorem3 Sine Theorem (3)
114 Single Curve Single Curve
115 Sound Intens Sound Intensity
116 SphereS-Area Surface Area of a Sphere
117 SphereVolume Volume of a Sphere
118 SprngPendCyc Cycle of Spring Pendulum
119 Squares Sum Sum of Squares
120 Stadia Calc Calculations Using a Stadia
121 T-Zoid Area Area of a Trapezoid
122 Tension&Comp Tension and Compression
123 Triangle 1 Area of a Triangle
124 Triangle 2 Area of a Triangle (Coordinates)
125 Uniform PD Probability Function of Uniform Distribution
126 UnivGravitat Law of Universal Gravitation
127 V-Line&Dist Vertical Line and Distance (3 Points)
128 Voltage Gain Voltage Gain
User Formulas
In addition to the calculator’s built-in formula, you can also input your own formulas for later
recall when you need them. You can also store built-in formulas under different names and
edit their contents if you want. Formulas you create and save under the name you want are
called “user formulas”.
A user formula actually is a program whose run mode is “Formula.” When performing the
following procedure also refer to “Program Mode (PROG)” (page 104).
Saving a Built-in Formula Under a Different Name
1. Press
to display the built-in formula menu.
• For details about this procedure, see “Using Built-in Formulas” (page 97).
2. Press
(Save formula).
• This will display the fi le name input screen, and
automatically alpha-lock the calculator’s keyboard
3. Enter up to 12 characters for the fi le name and then press
• This saves the specifi ed built-in formula as a program (user formula) and displays the
Fmla List screen with the user formula you just saved highlighted.