Programming your calculator
commands that are used almost exclusively for programming. These are accessed by
first accessing ( ). The inside back cover of the User's Guide shows where
all programming commands are, while Chapter 8 describes in detail how each
command works. When you have finished entering the program into the calculator,
press to return to the programming list menu.
Test the program to make sure there are no typing errors. If possible, you should
check that your program works by using some data for which you already know the
answer, before you place any confidence in the program.
Running a program
To run (i.e. to operate) a program, press to enter Program mode, use the and
keys to highlight the program name in the list, and then press ( ) or just the
blue key.
After each input number, you need to press E E to continue running the program.
You also need to press after a display pause on the screen (shown with the word
If a program doesn't work, check your typing in Edit mode. (See the next section.)
To stop a programfrom running, while it is running, press the key. The word
'Break' will appear on the screen . Press again to clear the screen and return to
mode. If you press instead of , the program will start again.
You can't stop a program while it is waiting for an input (showing a ? on the screen).
Input a number and then press .
Editing a program
To edit a program means to correct errors that you have noticed or to change the
program in some other way. Go to the program list, select the program name and then
press ( ).
You can move around with all four cursor keys ( ) and move straight to the
beginning or end of a program with ( ) and ( ) respectively.
Both the and ( ) keys will be useful for editing too.
When you have finished making changes, press to return to the program list.