In accordance with the instructions on the screen, place the disc
onto the tray.
When placing the disc on the tray, take special care that it is oriented
correctly to allow proper positioning of the label printing.
• Check to make sure that there is no dirt, dust, or other foreign
matter on the disc tray or the disc. Dirt or dust can scratch the
recording surface of the disc and make it impossible to record data
onto the disc.
• Make sure the label side of the disc is facing up (so you can see it)
and the recording side is facing down (towards the tray). Placing
the disc onto the tray upside-down will result in printing on the
recording side of the disc, which will make the disc unrecordable.
• Printing will be performed inside the
area indicated by the guidelines on the
disc tray. If the disc already has a logo
or other marking on it, position it so
printing will be performed in a blank
area of the disc.
See page 73 for full details about how to position the disc on the tray.
To print a label
See the separate “Quick Start Guide” sheet for important information
about printing conditions.
This printer supports printing on 12cm diameter discs only.
Attempting to print on a CD-R single or on a business card CD-R can
cause damage to the printer.
We recommend that you use this product for printing on blank,
unrecorded media. Printing on media that already had data recorded
on it may cause the data to become corrupted.
Click .
• Carefully pull out the disc tray to the position shown in the illustration.
Make sure there is nothing in front of the printer to interfere with
movement of the disc tray.
• This displays a dialog box for printing.
Set the disc onto the tray so it is
inside of these raised guides.
Printing is performed here.