Operation Guide 5123
To select a mode
Press C to cycle between the modes as shown below. The
n Right Dial Hand
indicates the currently selected mode.
Timekeeping Mode Stopwatch Mode
Alarm Mode World Time Mode
The short end of the
hand indicates the
day of the week.
The hand points to 0.
The hand points to ALM. The hand points to STD
or DST.
Use the Timekeeping Mode to view the current time and date. To enter the
Timekeeping Mode from any other mode, hold down C for about two seconds.
Hand Functions
z Hour Hand
x Second Hand
c Minute Hand
v Upper Left Dial Hand:
Indicates the current hour in the Home City time in
24-hour format.
b Lower Left Dial Hands:
Indicate the current time in the World Time City in
24-hour format.
n Right Dial Hand: The short end of the hand indicates
the day of the week.
m Day
Configuring Home City Settings
There are two Home City settings: actually selecting the Home City and selecting
either standard time or daylight saving time (DST).
To configure Home City settings
This watch does not have a city code that corresponds •
to Newfoundland.
In the Timekeeping Mode, keep 1. A depressed (for about
five seconds) as the
x Second Hand moves to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
This indicates the city code setting mode. •
The watch will exit the setting mode automatically if •
you do not perform any operation for about two or
three minutes.
For details about city codes, see the “City Code •
To change the Home City setting, press 2. D to move the
x Second Hand clockwise.
Keep pressing • D until the
x Second Hand is pointing
at the city code you want to select as your Home City.
Each time you select a city code, the •
z Hour Hand,
c Minute Hand, v Upper Left Dial Hand and m Day
move to the current time and date for that city code.
Do not perform the next operation until these hands
stop moving.
Press 3. B to toggle the time for the currently selected
city code between STD (standard time)/DST (daylight
saving time).
In the city code setting mode, the •
n Right Dial Hand indicates the current
daylight saving time setting as STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving
Note that you cannot switch between • STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving
time) while UTC is selected as your Home City.
After the setting is the way you want, press 4. A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
To toggle the Home City time between standard time and daylight saving time
Perform the step 1 under “To configure Home City settings”.1.
Each time you select a city code, the •
z Hour Hand, c Minute Hand, and
v Upper Left Dial Hand move to the current time for that city code. Do not
perform the next operation until these hands stop moving.
Press 2. B to toggle the time for the city code of the currently selected Home City
between STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving time).
In the city code setting mode, the •
n Right Dial Hand indicates the current
daylight saving time setting as STD (standard time) or DST (daylight saving
Note that you cannot switch between • STD (standard time)/DST (daylight saving
time) while UTC is selected as your Home City.
After the setting is the way you want, press 3. A to return to the Timekeeping Mode.
After you specify a city code, the watch will use UTC* offsets in the World Time •
Mode to calculate the current time for other time zones based on the current time
in your Home City.
Coordinated Universal Time, the world-wide scientific standard of timekeeping. The *
reference point for UTC is Greenwich, England.
Configuring Current Time and Date Settings
You can configure current time and date settings.
To change the current time setting
In the Timekeeping Mode, keep 1. A depressed (for about
five seconds) as the
x Second Hand moves to the city
code of the currently selected Home City.
At this time, the •
n Right Dial Hand will indicate the
Home City’s current daylight saving time setting (STD
or DST).
Change the Home City and daylight saving time (DST) 2.
settings, if you want.
For details about these settings, see steps 2 and 3 •
under “To configure Home City settings”.
In the following steps, each press of • C cycles
between settings as shown below.
Home city/DST Hour/Minute Year (tens digit)
Year (ones digit)
Day Month
Press 3. C.
The watch will beep, and the •
x Second Hand and n Right Dial Hand will move
to their 12 o’clock positions. This is the time setting mode.
Use 4. D (+) and B (–) to change the time (hour and minute) setting.
Each press of either button will move the hands ( •
z Hour Hand and c Minute
Hand) one minute.
Holding down • D or B will start high-speed
z Hour Hand and c Minute Hand
movement in the applicable direction. To stop high-speed hand movement,
press any button.
The •
v Upper Left Dial Hand and z Hour Hand move in sync with each other.
When setting the time, make sure that the •
v Upper Left Dial Hand indicates the
proper a.m./p.m. hour.
If you want to change the date setting at this time, press • C and perform the
procedure starting from step 3 under “To change the current date setting”.
After the time setting is the way you want, press 5. A to return to the Timekeeping
This will cause the •
x Second Hand to move automatically to 12 o’clock and
resume movement from there.
To change the current date setting
In the Timekeeping Mode, keep 1. A depressed (for about five seconds) as the
Second Hand moves to the city code of the currently selected Home City.
Press 2. C twice.
The watch will beep and change to the year setting mode. •
The year can be set in the range of 2000 to 2099. •
You can save your settings and exit the setting procedure at any time by •
pressing A, which will return to the Timekeeping Mode. This will cause the
Second Hand to move automatically to 12 o’clock and resume normal movement
from there.
Use 3. D to change the tens digit of the year
Each press of • D will move the
x Second
Hand and change the tens digit of the year
After the tens digit of the year setting is the way 4.
you want, press C.
The watch will beep and change to the ones •
digit of the year setting mode.
Setting the year (tens digit)
Use 5. D to change the ones digit of the year
Each press of • D will move the
x Second
Hand and change the ones digit of the year
After the ones digit of the year setting is the way 6.
you want, press C.
The watch will beep and change to the month •
setting mode.
Setting the year (ones digit)
Use 7. D to move the x Second Hand to the
month setting you want.
After the month setting is the way you want, 8.
press C.
The watch will beep and change to the day •
setting mode.
Setting the month