Using Built-in Tones (Tutorial)
■ Editable Drum Tone Parameters
Pitch Rise
Filter Rise
Amp Rise
Rise. Specifies the time it takes from the start of application of the LFO
until the effect reaches the level specified by Depth, above.
–64 - 0 - +63
Pitch Mod.Depth
Filter Mod.Depth
Amp Mod.Depth
Modulation depth. Specifies how modulation is applied to the LFO. –64 - 0 - +63
Pan >Ent
Pan. This is a group of editable parameters associated with the panning
(sound stereo position).
Dynamic Panning
Dynamic panning. To reflect changes in panning in the sound being
produced, select “On” for this setting. Select “Off” if you do not want
changes reflected.
Off, On
Pan Position
Panning position. Select “PreDSP” to apply panning before the DSP, or
“PostDSP” to apply panning after the DSP.
Display Text Description Settings
Inst Edit >Ent
Instrument edit. This is a group of editable instruments assigned to
each keyboard.
• Press a keyboard key to specify the key to be edited.
• For details about “DSP Edit”, see “Applying Effects to Notes” (page
C- - G9
Inst Select
Instrument number select. Specifies the number of the drum tone
assigned to each key.
See “Instrument List” at
the back of this manual.
Note Off Mode
Note off mode. Turning on this setting causes note off to be performed
when a key is released.
Off, On
Assign Group
Assign group. Specifies as a value from 1 to 15 which group the
currently selected key should be placed into. Only one keyboard in a
group is sounded at the same time (non-polyphonic).
Off, 1 - 15
Pitch >Ent
Pitch envelope. For details, see the melody tone “Pitch Envelope” on
page E-11.
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” on page E-11.
Initial Level, Attack Time
Coarse tune. Changes the pitch of notes by semitone units. –24 - 0 - +24
Fine Tune
Fine tune. Fine tunes the pitch of the sound. Lowers the value up to
–256 or raises the value up to +255 in semitone steps.
–256 - 0 - +255
Filter >Ent
Filter. For details, see the melody tone “Filter” on page E-11.
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone
“Filter” on page E-11.
Cutoff, Resonance, Envelope Depth, Attack Level, Decay Time,
Decay Level
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” on page E-11.
Initial Level, Attack Time
Amp >Ent
Amp. For details, see the melody tone “Amp” on page E-12.
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone
“Amp” on page E-12.
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone “Pitch
Envelope” on page E-11.
Initial Level, Attack Time
• For details about the setting items below, see the melody tone
“Filter” on page E-11.
Attack Level, Decay Time, Decay Level
Display Text Description Settings