
: Creates a point to be displayed on the Customizable
Compass screen (Only in Customizable Compass mode).
Center Select Key [GPS]: Measures the current position with
GPS. (Only in World Nature and Customizable Compass modes)
Right Soft Key [Options]: Displays the following options:
About: Displays the description about the Earth Compass tool.
Compass: Switches to Compass mode.
World Nature: Switches to World Nature mode.
Customizable Compass: Switches to Customizable Compass
Create a Point: Creates a point to be displayed on the
Customizable Compass screen.
Update GPS Data: Measures the current position with GPS.
Calibration: Calibrates the electronic compass.
Left Soft Key [Home]: Returns to G’zGEAR
Home menu.
Creating a Point
You can register up to 50 points in the Customizable Compass.
1. From idle mode, press the Center Select Key [MENU], select
Settings & Tools, then press the Center Select Key [OK]. Press
2. Select G’zGEAR, then press the Center Select Key [OK],
Earth Compass.
3. Press the Right Soft Key [Options], then press
Customizable Compass.
4. Press .
5. To register the current location as the point by receiving the GPS
information, select Use Current Location, press the Center
Select Key [OK]. To register the point by entering the latitude and
longitude, select Enter Coordinates, press the Center Select Key
[ENTER], then enter the latitude and longitude.